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3 Common Faults Auto Accident Law Covers

Vehicle accidents can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from poor weather conditions to driver error. Depending on the specific facts of your collision, you may have claims under several areas of the law. Accident lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve if you're injured in a crash. Read on to find out the three faults auto accident law covers.

1. Negligence

Many accidents result from driver negligence. When such an incident occurs, law enforcement officials often conduct investigations to determine what caused the crash. If you were injured in a crash that occurred because someone else acted negligently, you can claim damages against the at-fault driver through a lawyer.

Negligence can take many forms including taking your eyes off the road, speeding, and drunk driving. It's easy to become distracted by loud music, passengers talking, or billboards along your route while driving. This distraction can lead to accidents and should always be avoided. Over-speeding can also put your life, the lives of other drivers and pedestrians at risk. That's why it's illegal under most circumstances. If you're involved in any of these incidents do not hesitate to seek legal help. Automobile accidents can be complicated and involve many parties. Luckily, a skilled attorney can help you navigate these waters.

2. Intentional Misconduct

Intentional misconduct usually occurs when one driver in a collision purposely engages in reckless or harmful behavior that causes injuries. Although this fault can be difficult to prove, an attorney can conduct investigations and provide evidence to prove that it was intentional.

Driving without a valid license or while intoxicated can also be considered intentional misconduct. If someone has a suspended license, it is illegal for them to drive. So, if they cause a crash, their behavior may be regarded as intentional, and they can be sued for damages. Driving while intoxicated is also intentional misconduct. If someone is inebriated while driving, they are more likely to cause a serious accident.

3. Strict Liability

Strict liability involves the ease of the plaintiff in obtaining compensation for their injuries. In this type of claim, no fault is needed to file a claim, which means you can recover benefits even if you were negligent. On the other hand, if someone else was responsible, they will be liable regardless of whether they were negligent. A lawyer can help you determine whether your case falls under the category of strict liability.

Auto accident law covers many common faults related to crashes. If you're involved in an accident or want more information about auto accident law, contact an injury attorney for advice on how to proceed.
