Dealing With Post-Election Immigration Fears

If you have been worried about the substantial increase in anti-immigrant sentiment since the 2016 election, you're not alone. But you do have rights, and you can reduce your chances of a problem occurring if you take some steps now. Always Carry Your Documents Whether you have a green card or are here on a specific visa such as for work or school, always carry your documents with you. More states have been trying to pass identity-check laws, requiring anyone stopped by police to produce identification. [Read More]

Help Your Children Cope With You And Your Spouse's Upcoming Divorce

If you and your spouse have decided to part ways and are both interested in a divorce, the following tips can help make the transition as smooth as possible for your children and will help them continue to feel special and wanted by you and their other parent. Meet With A Mediator Set up an appointment to speak with a mediator who has plenty of years of practice dealing with family situations. [Read More]

Should You Hide A DUI On A Job Application?

A charge of driving under the influence can impact every aspect of your life, including the search for a new job. When you are applying for a job, you have to decide whether or not disclosing the DUI is necessary. If you have been charged with a DUI, here is what you need to know about the charge and its impact on your job search.  Do You Have to Disclose the Charge? [Read More]

Personal-Injury Claims: 3 Ways a Deposition Can Help You Cross-Examine Witnesses

Generally speaking, approximately 95% to 96% of personal-injury claims are settled before trial; however, if your attorney can't come to a reasonable compromise with the other party, or if you are unhappy with the settlement offered, you can still take the case to trial. In these situations, witness testimony is crucial, and your personal-injury attorney will want to hold a deposition in order to cross-examine the witness before the trial. Here are three ways that a deposition can help you. [Read More]