Questions Employers Are Not Allowed to Ask in Job Interviews
If you are going into a job interview, there are some questions an employer is not allowed to ask you. The following questions are unlawful to ask any job applicant:
Employers are not permitted to ask any applicant questions regarding his or her race. If you are applying to a job where you will be photographed, you legally are not required to send a photo with your initial application.
How To Get A Fast, Affordable Divorce
When your marriage is no longer working out, and both of you feel miserable with the relationship, you might agree that getting divorced is the best option. A divorce is something that will end the marriage legally, and there are multiple ways to go about getting divorced. If you are agreeable with each other on all issues, the most affordable way to go about doing this is through a do-it-yourself divorce, and here are a few things to know about this.