DWI Arrest: How To Make The Process Better For You

If you are driving while under the influence and you are pulled over by police, you want the situation to go as smoothly as possible. Unfortunately, there are some things you can do that can significantly make the situation more difficult for you. The following are some things you should avoid during a DWI stop: Act Appropriately The first thing you should never do when you are stopped for suspicion of DWI is to act rudely to the officer who is questioning you. [Read More]

A Visitation Modification May Be of Interest

When one parent lives a couple of hours away from the other one or when one caregiver cannot commit as much time to a child as their counterpart, a visitation order will reflect upon these variables so that the minor is cared for on a consistent basis. If you are the parent who isn't the primary custodian and now your personal situation has changed, you may be interested in seeking more time with your offspring. [Read More]

Right to Refuse Service: When It Is Legal and When It Is Not

Discrimination is not a concept that is tolerated in society. However, business owners do have the right to refuse service, in certain instances. Treading this line carefully can be a challenge, but it is essential that business owners get it right. Learn more about what a right to refuse service should and should not look like. Uncontrollable Circumstances As a general rule, you cannot refuse service to a customer over something that they cannot control. [Read More]

Real Estate Attorney Services: Drafting Contracts And Negotiating Legally

For most home owners, their investment in their home is the largest investment in their lives. If you're looking to protect your investment, you need to minimize your risk by protecting yourself legally. Here are some of the ways that a real estate attorney can help make sure that your contracts give you leverage and protection. Negotiating In today's real estate market, many deals are conducted entirely electronically. This shift from in-person to digital negotiating can create some hurdles, particularly when you're haggling over small details or terms. [Read More]