One of the key pieces of evidence in many DWI cases is the results of a breathalyzer test that was administered at the time of the defendant's arrest. The reason these test results are so important is that they are intended to provide medical proof that the individual was under the influence of alcohol while driving. This all but eliminates any defense with alternative explanations for the defendant's seemingly drunk behavior.
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Food Poisoned? Can You Sue?
Food poisoning is fairly common. Whether it is from eating out or food purchased in the store, it can take a toll on your health. Sometimes, the effects can last more than just a few days. If you suffered food poisoning from a restaurant and you feel you are owed damages for it, you need to understand what you must prove to be successful in your lawsuit.
Was the Restaurant Negligent?
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The Necessary Documentation For A Successful Personal Injury Lawsuit
When you're injured due to someone else's negligence at their business or home, you are entitled to receive compensation for your damages. Physical damages are not your only concern though, as damages extend to lost wages as well. In order to ensure that your injury case is successful in court, you will need the following documentation to prove your injury with the help of one or several personal injury lawyers.
A Journal of Your Recovery
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3 Strategies to Expand Your Personal Injury Law Firm
Turning a legal practice into a successful business has become challenging over the past couple of years, mainly because competition has considerably increased in the legal industry. Fortunately, there are different strategies that exist and may be applied to increase the level of competitiveness of a given law firm. As you read this article, you'll understand why business referrals, brand creation, and social marketing are what you need to focus on to make your personal law practice reach the next level.
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