3 Tips To Help You Obtain Custody Of Your Child

Divorce is never easy for anyone, but it can be especially difficult if there are children involved. If you fear you are going to have to battle your soon to be ex for custody, you're going to need to put on a brave face and take some proactive steps to improve your position in court. Here are three things you should do to improve your chances of winning custody. Cooperate with Your Ex Where You Can [Read More]

Four Tips For Cyber Bullying Victims Who Wish To Pursue Legal Action

If you have been the victim of cyber bullying, you may have legal recourse. If the bullying involves slanderous statements about you, you may be able to bring criminal charges against the bully. And in most cases, you can at least pursue a civil case in which you sue the bully for emotional damage caused by their actions. However, pursuing legal action against a cyber bully is not easy, especially if you do not have obvious proof of the bully's identify. [Read More]

Receive Justice After Being The Victim Of An Accident Involving Your Bicycle

Drivers should obey the rules of the road and realize that they need to share busy roadways with pedestrians and bicycle riders. Unfortunately, some people do not seem to realize that they need to be respectful of others and are often in a rush to get from point A to point B without watching out for others and ensuring that they remain safe. If you were riding your bicycle along the edge of a road and were vigilantly monitoring traffic, but were still sideswiped by a driver traveling quickly, use the advice below to help you receive justice for the accident. [Read More]

Chronicling A Car Accident In The Age Of Cellphones: What It Does For Your Lawsuit

After a car accident, not too many people are in the mindset to chronicle the event. However, that is because up until fifteen years ago, mobile phones were not that common. Now nearly everyone has one. If you are in a car accident, try to have the presence of mind to chronicle the situation. It will have quite the impact in court when you sue the other driver for everything shown in the movie you made. [Read More]