Credit Card Complications: What To Know About Debt And Divorce

Chances are, you and your spouse have credit card debt. When a couple divorces, there must be decisions made about all types of debt. Credit card debt is unique because it falls into the category of unsecured debts. That means that the debt stands alone and is not attached to a piece of marital property. A mortgage and an automobile loan are secured debts since they are attached to a home and a vehicle. [Read More]

Estate Planning: Three Essentials

No one likes to think about the time when they will no longer be around, but it's essential to start thinking about estate planning once you reach a certain age. Proper estate planning ensures that your assets will be distributed in accordance with your wishes after you pass away and that your desires regarding your end of life decisions will be respected. Here are three things you must do in order to create a solid estate plan. [Read More]

Considering A Divorce? Read These 4 Pieces Of Advice Before You Head To The Attorney's Office

Marriage is a wonderful thing -- right until it's not. When a marriage falls apart, you need as much guidance as you can get on how to proceed, and it can be hard to keep everything in perspective.  Here's a list of the most important pieces of advice that you should probably know -- before you get to a lawyer. By the time you walk through your attorney's office door, it may be too late to put some of these in action. [Read More]

Why You Might Want A Real Estate Attorney To Help You Purchase Property

If you have decided that there is a piece of property that you would like to purchase, you may want to consider using the help of a reputable real estate attorney from your area. Take a moment to explore the reasons why this would be a good idea by reading through the following information. They Can Help Negotiate the Closing Costs Too many people make the mistake of simply agreeing to pay all of the additional costs that are listed on the paperwork in front of them. [Read More]